Dometic's exclusive Gustguardallows you to customize wind sensor settings with a simple one-touch control.The wind sensor is located atthe very edge of the roller tube for maximum accuracy.Single compact remote controlcan operate WeatherPro and your Dometic power door awning.Wide selection of popularcolors and patterns.Unique spring-arm mechanismautomatically releases accumulating rain water.Heavy-duty motor is fullycontained in the roller tube, self-locks awning in travel position.Metal Weathershield providesextra protection from elements, matches hardware finish.Exclusing Knee Action Designallows the awning to flex in moderate wind to prevent damage.Solid-state sensorautomatically closes awning after detecting sustained winds.The Wind Sensor's "smarttechnology" automatically closes the awning when it detects potentiallydangerous wind conditions.With just the touch of abutton from either the handy remote control (sold separately) or the switchmounted inside the coach, the WeatherPro extends and tensions the fabric.Another touch and it stows away securely locked for travel. Dometic 805 WeatherPro Power Awning Vinyl Fabric with MetalWeathershield Camper Trailer RVThis listing is for a WeatherPro Awning with Vinyl FabricOnlyFor a WeatherPro Awning with Acrylic Fabric: Dometic815 An industry leader, theWeatherPro is an elegant and versatile power awning perfect for larger RVs.Designed to out-thinkthe elements, the WeatherPro is the great-looking awning you've always wanted -with the ease and convenience of self-operation by remote control (Includedwith control kit which is sold separately).