Increased the time added back to players’ 2:00 timer when re-entering the Crater from 6 seconds to 15 seconds.
#Old school runescape wiki ancient stafc update
However, they have a slower attack speed than better staves (3 seconds per cast instead of 2.This week’s update sees changes to Bounty Hunter and the Forestry Open Beta!.Combination staves ( lava, mud, mist, dust, steam and smoke) provide two types of runes.Elemental staves ( air, water, earth and fire) provide one type of rune.Provide unlimited runes of their respective elements.Maximum hit of Magic Dart is 10 + (player's magic level / 10), rounded down.Runes required to cast Magic Dart are very cheap compared to spells of a similar level.Can autocast Magic Dart and Crumble Undead, in addition to the four Wave spells.Currently the second strongest staff when used as a melee weapon, behind the ( Toxic) Staff of the dead.Those who have 80 and the respective God cape can use the Charge spell, which increases the God spell's damage by 50%.Currently the third strongest staff when used as a melee weapon, behind the Ancient staff and the ( Toxic) Staff of the dead.Can cast this spell up to 120 (2,500 if upgraded) times before needing to be recharged. Only staff able to cast (and autocast) Iban Blast.Grants a 10% accuracy and damage boost for combat spells on the standard spellbook.Because the spell is built-in, the player does not need to carry its runes in their inventory and can use Lunar spells or Ancient Magicks while wielding this staff.Has a weapon speed of 6 (same as scimitars/whip), while all other forms of combat magic only have 5 (same as longswords).Built-in spell damage scales with the player's Magic level and can hit up to 28 at 99.Has its own built-in spell, requiring charges which cost 1 1 5 runes and 10 coins per cast.Currently the strongest staff when used as a melee weapon, surpassing the Ancient staff and Iban's staff, and provides +17 magic defence.When a combat spell is cast with the staff, there is a 1/8 (12.5%) chance that the staff will negate the rune cost for that spell.This consumes 100% of the player's special attack. Has a special attack that halves all melee damage the player takes for one minute, which stacks with the PvP damage reduction effect of the Protect from Melee prayer.Can autocast Flames of Zamorak and Magic Dart.